Thursday, October 14, 2010

I'm Back!

Life sure can get crazy huh?  Recently the different parts of mine have been competing for attention.  Last week I spent in Woodinville working.  Immediately after arriving back home I found myself in the middle of the most racket this house has seen since - well... last Thanksgiving.  It was a glorious weekend.  I had all my kids home AND my two granddaughters!  What a treat!  Here we are...
From left to right... Adam, Bobby, me, Dave, Amberlyn, Katie with baby Charlotte, Nicole with Aubrey, Michele and Daniel.  And Lucy looking for something to fetch.

And... Mumsey with granddaughters Aubrey and Charlotte sitting by Grandpa's big pumpkin.

We are a crazy bunch!  After they all went home I had to take two aspirin and go to bed :)  But it was fabulous fun.  I've spent most of this week fighting a cold :(  Right now I'm psyching myself up for another work day.  Who to sue today?  :)  This is the best part of the day - right now!  I'm sitting on the couch watching the sky become brighter, slowly revealing layers of fog up in the pasture and against the big hill in the back. Looks so very fall.  The weatherman promises a beautiful day.  Last night I worked until dark harvesting the last of the tomatoes on the vines before the freezing nights ruin them all - two laundry baskets full :) I couldn't even carry them.  Had to get Dave to carry them into the barn.  Wonder how many jars of marinara two laundry baskets will make? Can't wait to find out.

Well... with all the activity I've had a bit of a roller coaster with the weigh ins and glucose readings.  Some days were less inspiring than others!  Today I am happy to report 148.4 and glucose of 95.  The last 10 pounds is not coming off quickly!  Still, I look better than I have in years and am confident that if I can maintain a reasonable diet I can have a long healthy life filled with many more family reunions and many more grand babies.  :)


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