Very nice garbage can on the porch huh?
Lucy is like me... she's imagining what it will be like to
sit on the porch when it's all done
Here we have the beginning of shelves. Now there are layers of shelves on all three sides. Dave's getting pretty frustrated with me. I keep moving
plants in and he keeps having to move them out so he can work :) See where the board sits cross ways? That will be a sliding glass door that will separate the green house from the shed part.
Let's see... other news... Dave has now installed all his cattle guards and has most of the new fence posts in for the new pasture. Here he is on his little tractor placing the last cattle guard.
Such a busy little worker bee! His reward after a long hard days work is to sit on the front porch and gaze out over the field where his oats are just coming up and drink in the beauty of the rock painted golden red by the setting sun.
And perhaps have a nice piece of strawberry-rhubarb cobbler :)
Today there was no such treat. The sky turned from beautiful blue to a dark, dreary gray and the rain poured down. The mist covered the red rocks and the mountains were nowhere to be seen. I had to change out of my shorts and put on a coat. Such a cruel trick! :( What a drippy, messy, rainy, gross day it turned into! Yuk! Of course that put an end to most of my plans for the day. So... there was bread.