Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Once Upon A Time...

In a tiny little town called Chewbaccaville there lived a girl named Katarina.  Now Katerina lived in a beautiful valley surrounded by high hills covered with timber and beautiful pastures where grazed deer, elk and cows that Katerina's sweetheart Davis cared for.  Davis worked very hard to make Katerina's home lovely and spoiled her considerably.

Katerina was very happy puttering around her pretty little gardens and whipping up concoctions in her tiny little kitchen but sometimes she got bored and so she would call a friend to come and entertain her.  She had two best friends.  One was named Skinny Minnie and the other Fat Fannie.  She would call Skinny Minnie when she was feeling cheerful and bright.  Skinny Minnie always wanted to go to the gym or take a long walk or perhaps enjoy a healthy spinach salad.    She always said vey encouraging things like, "just think how good you will feel when you're done working out" or "sweat is fat screaming!"  Katerina liked to be seen with Skinny Minnie because she thought everyone would like her  better  but truth be told... she really preferred hanging out with Fat Fannie!  Fat Fannie enjoyed baking gooey walnut brownies and lounging on the couch reading fairy tales.  She also enjoyed driving the buggy down to The Big Fish and indulging in a super duper bacon burger with crispy golden fries!  Katarina never needed to have her arm twisted because she had the self control of a day old calf.

Skinny Minnie must have had ESP or something because it was amazing how often she would call Katerina just as she was going out the door on the way to The Big  Fish.  Katerina almost never answered the phone!      
She knew Skinny Minnie was just looking out for her but she did so enjoy sneaking off with Fat Fannie to the Cupcake Castle.  Yum yum!

This went on for ages!  Katarina was never able to choose a true best friend.  She was so conflicted.  She knew that hanging out with Skinny Minnie would lead to a long healthy life and that surely one day Fat Fannie would sit on her and suffocate her to death.  And so, one day she worked up the courage to tell Fat Fannie that Skinny Minnie would now become her best friend.  Of course Fat Fannie screamed and threw herself on the floor flailing and thrashing about.  It was the most exercise she had had in years!

The very next morning I went to the gym.  No wait... she went to the gym!  (Insert big sigh here)  Ok... I give up. I don't think any of you are fooled right?  I am Katarina and yes, I love my friend Fat Fannie BUT... I really feel so much better when I hang out with Skinny Minnie so a new chapter has begun.  Again.  So Yep!  I went to the gym this morning and sweated my tail off.  (Fat screaming!)  It was painful but good.  I will begin spending time reading and focusing on healthy recipes and I swear to never again forage through my brothers pantry and eat all the girl scout cookies and a whole bag of chips.  :)

The End!

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