Saturday, May 4, 2013

Love In A Jar

I absolutely LOVE this time of year!  This morning I woke up, peeked out the window and saw that is was just beginning to get light outside.  I looked at the clock and it was 4:50 am.  Yes!!!  The days are finally getting long!  I guess most people would go back to bed but not me!  I crept out to the living room and opened all the curtains to watch the morning unfold.  I barely got settled in before the idea for this post popped into my head, which reminded me that I should make a batch of crepes.  I got up to get those going so the batter could rest in the fridge until Dave got around to waking up and of course it was hours and hours before I got back around to my blog post.  And that's been the story of my life for months on end!  I've been meaning to write but each day is full of really important stuff!

So... Dave loves crepes.  I hate to make them!  Actually I don't mind making them all the way up to the second where they need to be flipped then poof!  Just like magic... instant disaster and rage!    This sad scene has replayed in my kitchen so many times that finally Dave and I made a deal.  I create the batter and he cooks the crepes.  Usually.  Earlier this week Dave had been craving crepes and so I decided to make a batch since he was going to be leaving to spend a few days over at the lake property in Ione clearing and burning.  Sort of as an I love you... see you in a few days present.  Sometimes I go along too but decided this trip to stay home.  He works really hard over there so I like to send along some tasty food so he doesn't end up eating things like top ramen with tuna fish.  Ughhhh!  Shudder shudder!  I'm not even kidding... I wish he never told me about that.  Some things are just to horrible to think about!   Anyway... I decided the morning he left to make a large batch of crepe batter and send along part of it with him in a big mason jar.  That would be something he could quickly cook up and would be non disgusting :)  he came home telling me all the creations he came up with using the crepe batter such as peanut butter and banana crepes.  I was impressed!  I told him it sounded like he didn't even miss me at all, to which he replied... "I didn't need to miss you cause I had your love in a jar!"  That was so sweet it motivated me to risk ruining my morning with flipping, flopping and cussing.   

Here are a couple of pics from the last time I tagged along...

burning slash piles

                                                            Tank and Dave resting a while

In all the years I've been making pancakes and crepes I've never bothered to remember the recipe, simple though it is.  I always get out my old go to cookbook.  The Joy of Cooking.  It was what we did before Google and You Tube.  From trussing turkeys to prime rib to lemon lime ice box pie... this was where to look! 

Some of the pages are all splattered with hand written notes.  Like my crepe recipe.  It is quadrupled :)
I mean... when you have six kids one recipe is just not going to do it!

Here's what love in a jar actually looks like :)  


Well let's see... other news from the farm...

Baby Daisy is growing like a weed...

Spinning wheels and yarn are taking over my livingroom...

This must mean I need sheep to keep them supplied with fiber.  So... here are two of the new babies coming to live at my house...

They won't arrive until the first part of June as they are only three weeks old now.  But I am so excited I can hardly stand myself!  If anyone had told me 10 years ago that I would have spinning wheels and sheep I would have rolled on the floor laughing!  As a matter of fact, I just booked my plane ticket to California to visit my grand babies (YAY!!!) and it was seriously hard to do as I had to plan around "Field Day", an all day seminar about sheep and the upcoming Farm Chicks.  I don't even recognize myself!  

Well anyway, related to fiber... Michele decided she needed to learn to knit so she did.  She is teaching me as she learns.  She has such a natural ability to pick things up.  And apparently she didn't get that from me cause here is my first knitting project.


Yeah... I guess I had Frodo in mind when I made these.  They look like they were made for hobbit feet!  And... you should see the formation of the heels... they look like thumbs.  As a matter of fact... I'm pretty sure I can now make a set of hot pads with thumbs :)  These are so ugly that I love them because every time I look at them I laugh until I snort and cry.

But back to Michele's work.  She decided to make a crocheted "market bag" and it turned out so pretty!

Here she is modeling the bag.  The really cool thing is that she spun, and dyed the yarn herself.  The really uncool thing about this bag is that it is not going to be my mother's day present :(

Well... guess I better get up and get busy!  We are going to Ione today and taking the kayaks for a paddle around the lake.  I gotta try out the new little dock Dave built :)

So... ciao y'all!

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