Monday, June 13, 2011

One Year Down! A Bunch More to Go-God Willing!

Hi!  It's been so long perhaps you thought I died?  Nope!  Just busy traveling, gardening, working, studying, eating... and so on and on.  I have so much to say I don't even know where to start.  I guess first I better note that a whole year has passed since I began torturing you with my favorite subject... food.  As it relates to me.  Yeah. it's all about me.  :)   It's been quite a year.  From fat to much thinner, back to fatter, thinner... whew!  Anybody else live on this roller coaster?  Well fortunately at this point I can report that over all I'm down just about 15 pounds and my blood sugar levels are WAY healthier than they were a year ago!  Usually... almost always. :)  So progress has been made!  But it's not over.  It will have to be a lifetime change.  Going back means so many bad things. I better press on! Blog wise - I guess I could just quit here.  And if I trail off never to be heard from again you'll know that's exactly what I did.  I think I have at least one more post in me so here goes!  Bummer for you!  Hmm...  I had so many titles today I almost couldn't pick one.  I wanted to begin with, There's No Place Like Home - having just come back from my visit to TN to hang out with my family.  Of course I think of Tennessee as home too.  Then I wanted to change it to There's No Place Like Fat - which is an overreaction to my blood glucose level this morning.  Man!  I have been so used to getting a reading in the 90 to 95 range that I was stunned to see 123 leap off the screen at me this morning.  I don't know why I should be stunned!  It is what happens when you eat cookies and chips at ladies bible study then stop by the grocery store on the way home, load up on fruit and eat half of it before going to bed at 11pm.  And while I'm at it I just have to confess... the night before, I went to bed around 10:30, couldn't sleep so I got up because I was thirsty, went into the kitchen and ransacked the pantry, eating a handful of everything I could find.  What a stooge!

That reminds me of one of the stories we laughed about last week in TN.  My mama is very successful when it comes to weight loss.  Over the years she has lost probably 150 pounds.  Of course it's the same couple of pounds over and over again.  :)  At one particular point in her life, somewhere back in the 70's she was stalled out and couldn't seem to lose any weight.  My three brothers and I decided we would help her.  We made sure she wasn't eating too much at dinner.  We were present for some of her weigh ins.  We were stumped!  Sure enough... no weight loss!  We began discussing this among ourselves and came up with a couple of possible reasons.  We began testing our theories.  Late one evening... around midnight the creaking began.  Some little mouse was slowly creeping, tip toeing up the stairs in the dark.  Sneaking round the corner into the kitchen.  The light appears as the refrigerator door swings open then POUNCE!  The kitchen lights flood the scene like a search light and all of us kids leap from our hiding places with fingers pointed, yelling, "BUSTED!!!"  Our clever little mama never missed a beat!  She jerked straight up with arms stretched out in front of her and sleep walked right back to bed.  Riiiiiiight!  :)  Talk about your generational curses!  Well, I am happy to inform you that I actually did not gain a bunch of pounds down in TN.  This morning the fatometer was as ungracious as it's been for the last couple of weeks by proclaiming 156.3.  Which is pretty much the same as when I left.  So I'm just about even money.  Still fat. :)  But not fater!  Yay!

Well!  That was a super long intro to my TN trip.  I'll share some of the pics with you and narrate.  A good time was had by all.  Of course there were a couple of low points felt by Bobby my youngest baby (20 years old) who accompanied me to TN.  At times he had to go outside and play with frogs in order to avoid being overwhelmed by conversations about dead people and menopause.  :)  Very fortunately he was rescued from us old women by various cousins who had also come home to attend the BBQ.  Let's see what pics I can  find... Hmm... I better go load up on coffee before I start in on this.  We better have an intermission here.  Or perhaps you may just want to leave the theater... this could be as long and drawn out as, Gone With the Wind!

Ok, I'm back!  Is the microphone on?  Again... I apologize... it's ok if you fade in and out or fall asleep completely.  Some of you may not be as fascinated with my trip home as I am :)  This reminds me that yesterday as I sat down to compose a post my little mini computer died.  It was probably suicide... NO!!!  Don't make me listen to another one of her insane rambling stories... CRASH!  Can you blame it?  Unfortunately for it... it's still under warranty so it will live again!  Hmm... I believe this is the definition of ADD.  The inability to complete a thought or task... ever!!!  :)  Ok... roll em!

Starting at the beginning... Bobby and me leaving his apartment.  We were very excited.

On to to the airport.  I will spare you the details of the drama of having TWO flights cancelled and having to spend the night in Chicago.  Well... maybe I didn't spare you... but it was the Evelyn Woods speed reading version...  There's no place like the airport :)  Look how exciting... :)

Finally on the plane!

At Pa and Granny's at last!  This was after they got over the shock of having Bobby walk up the driveway.  He was a surprise visitor.  :)

I'm so happy to see my mommy!  She is so sweet not to scream.  I'm squishing my poor mother!

And now Bobby knows he truly has arrived.  He found his first frog!

And a beautiful moth

Later that evening Jeff and Andrea arrived.  We had a nice visit and went off to bed.  You can't sleep in at Granny's, you wouldn't want to miss breakfast!  I realized right away that unless I wanted to buy an extra plane ticket on the way home for my mid section I was going to have to show some restraint so rather than going whole hog I settled for half  of a biscuit to go with my gravy.  Biscuits must only be eaten with the brown sides up.  If you mistakenly turn the fluffy insides up Pa is happy to instruct you and even turn them over for you.  :)
We had a wonderful surprise early that morning.  Pat's son Josh brought our new Marine Andy home for a visit.  Nobody knew he was coming.  We were all so happy to see him.  Josh too!  He's all grown up and moved off to the big city so he's rarely seen around small time Dover anymore!    This is my brother Pat with three of his boys.  Brian, Andy and Josh.  Pat thinks he the favorite child.  He's not but we let him wear a crown so he feels special.  He is special... if you know what I mean.  :)

That evening Pa and Granny took us all out to Southernaire for dinner.  Here are a few of us lounging around the table...

Yep... as far as the eye can see... the Taylor clan...

It's so relaxing to hang out at my parents house.  No cares and worries.  They live so far out my cares and worries would have to work super hard to find me.  No cell phone reception.  So what did I do for entertainment?  Well... I read, visited with family, listened to my brother play the guitar.  

Oh, you want to get in on that?  Ok...

And now the main event... the BBQ.  

I was told that our family BBQ's have been happening for about 60 years.  I'll have to take their word for it... that's before my time!  They are so much fun!  It's a time to gather together and celebrate family.  A time to be thankful for the rich heritage we have been blessed with.  I believe Daddy Quinn was still alive when they began.  He passed away before I was born so I never met him but I have very fond memories of BBQ's when I was a child.  Back in the day I remember them being held at Aunt Rita and Uncle Dalton's house.  Mama Quinn's little trailer was also parked close by.  She was a wonderful grandmother!  Very saintly... and fiesty!!!  Of course I never got into any trouble :)  but I've seen her chase my brother Gene around the house and tackle and whip him with her shoe!  Whew boy!  I happen to know he always deserved it!  Mama Quinn was an insulin dependant type two diabetic.  And she loved to eat.  Of course she loved to eat the things she shouldn't - corn bread comes to mind.  She used to lock the door to her trailer and mix up a batch of corn bread and bake it up in her cast iron skillet.  Pretty soon Aunt Rita would smell it baking and would come over and start pounding on Mama Quinn's door trying to get in so she could prevent her from eating the corn bread.  Every time she would fail to gain entry.  Mama Quinn would tell her she might as well go away because she wasn't going to open the door until she had eaten the whole pan.  Hmm... that sounds someone else I know :)  

So many of my loved ones who were always so much a part of this wonderful tradition when I was a child are no longer with us.  I sure miss my aunts and uncles who have already moved to heaven!  Aunts Rita, Lou, Patricia, Carol and very recently we lost my Uncle JP.  And my brother Gene always loved the BBQ.  I hope the younger generation will continue this tradition.  It's very special!  This year they set up a memorial table with pictures of all of our family who have passed away as well as pictures of our family members who serve or have served in the military.

Here are the sisters who we are still blessed to have in our lives:  In the back standing up is Aunt Robbye and Aunt Betty.  Seated on the left is my mother Molly, Aunt Bea and Aunt Snooky (Mary Evelyn).  I could tell you wonderful stories about each of these awesome ladies and how they have blessed my life and helped shape who I am today.  Thank you Mama and Aunties!

The BBQ is really a two part event.  Saturday is hog day.  The hog get's slow cooked over coals all day and all night.  Lot's of family gather around on Saturday and enjoy a big picnic where BBQ chickens are the star of the show accompanied by lots of yummy food that everyone brings.  Of course all the stories come out.  Then the guitars come out.  As dark falls the crowd breaks up and only the hard core dedicated souls remain to keep watch over the pig all night long.  Ole cousin Jeff has been the pit master for as long as I can remember.  I know this job has been shared by many over the years but in recent history Jeff is the one I recall sweating over the fire.  I think he got his beard braids a little too close this year.  I saw some singed ends Saturday afternoon.  :)  Here are a few pics of Hog Saturday.  The pic above of the sisters is from Hog Saturday.

Here is the guest of honor... the hog.  I really should have gotten a picture of the hog all crispy... oh well...

Cousin Jeff taking a quick peek.

                                                        Bryan, Isaac, Pat, Aaron telling stories.

                                                                                         Bobby and Robbye

                                                                   Pa wandering by

A RARE picture with my cousin Debby (along with Andy) who hates being in pictures as much as I do.  Well actually  I wouldn't mind being in pictures if I wasn't so mugly :)

and of course here's a sampling of lunch...  this includes a tiny strip of ribs that cousin Jeff was trying to tell me was gopher of some other varmint.  Who knows!?!   

Here are a couple of the pickers, cousin Jimmy and Tony my cousin Robin's sweet heart.  Pa is singing along with them.
Early in the morning on Sunday comes the job of picking the pig and turning it in to sandwich meat.  I fortunately slept too late to take part in this job but brother Jeff did.  I'm so proud of him for getting up like that at 5am.  After that the party moves to the church where after a good old southern Baptist sermon we once again gather for the real feast.  Everyone brings a dish.  The table is loaded with wonderful food made by wonderful cooks.  I had a great time visiting AND eating.  I did a pretty good job of choosing things that wouldn't launch my blood sugar into orbit.  

then of course I had two pieces of pie.   :)

This picture is of my mother with me and my "twin" cousins Dee and Mary Beth.  These are Aunt Carol's daughters.  Aunt Carol was my mom's twin sister who passed away when I was only about 10 years old.  I know they miss her still!  Dee is coming to visit me here in Chewelah in September and dragging Robin along... right Robin???  And any other cousins who want to come!  That will be so much fun!   

Here I am with my brothers...  loafing around after lunch

And finally I'll close with a picture of me, Jeff, Mama and my aunts.  We are admiring the beautiful chocolate pie that Aunt Betty made for Jeff.  Oh... of course she said it was for me too... but I'm pretty sure she whispered in his ear that it was really for him :)  How does he rate anyway???  I suppose it must be like Aunt Lou used to always say, "He has the eyes of Jesus".  I guess I'm just chopped liver  :)  Which is a whole "nother" story!

Look at that linebacker all dressed in red!  I look like I could seriously injure someone.  Ok well... as Aunt Rita used to say...  I gotta go to bed!

Ciao!  Thank God right?  :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! It is much fun reading your blog, Kathy. Watched the videos on youtube, too.
    Thank you for sharing it.
    Kind regards to you and Dave.
