Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Eat a Peach!

I'm pretty excited!  I canned peaches last night for the first time ever.  Since I still have half a box of fresh peaches left I don't really want to tear into a can and see how they taste but they look pretty.

It was a lot of work!  Not hard but very time consuming.  Peeling and cutting all those peaches up... man!  Then dragging out the water bath canner and heating up the water, lids, jars.  I had almost talked myself out of doing it again.  But it was very awesome to see the finished product sitting there on the counter.  I'm sure I will be very happy when I open a can in January too :) I love peaches!  And the peaches you get in the store are just crap!  I've given up ever buying them at Safeway.  They always look nice but have no taste at all!  Anyway... doing it for the first time... seemed like I cut peaches forever and I didn't have a good idea of how many jars it would make so I quit when I thought I had seven quarts but I miscalculated.  It only made 5 but now I know for next time, which will be tonight. I searched and searched for a low sugar recipe and finally found a link from some university nutrition site that said there is no "rule" for how much sugar you have to use.  I dumped about a cup in the bottom of the bowl I was slicing them into and added a little lemon juice on top from time to time.  I also added a little no sugar added orange/mango juice we had in the fridge.  More to prevent browning than anything else.  If I need to add sugar or Splenda or something when I'm using them I'll just do that.  I'll let you know how they turn out.

I spent so much time canning last night that I didn't have any time to snack.  :)  I did eat about half a peach one slice at a time while I was peeling them.  Who can resist?  I wondered what that would do to my blood sugar so late at night but my reading was 92 this morning so that's good and the fatometer read 150.4.  Still looking forward to getting under the 150 mark!

Well... I bought a new little "netbook" at Costco last time I was in Woodinville.  I thought it would be great for leaving on my side table by the couch or for traveling - and it will be but at this moment in time as I type it keeps skipping back and inserting the typing seemingly randomly anywhere.  I may throw it against the wall!  Or I suppose I could call support and find out what weired setting I need to change before I destroy it.  Anyone know the cure???  If so please tell me!  I really have to quit!  Can't take it anymore!!! 


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