Friday, August 6, 2010

The Results Are In!

First the daily stats:  153.1 and glucose 83.  A new low :)  Yesterday at the doc we looked at the results of my repeat blood work compared to the tests from April and found that my A1C had gone from 6.7 which indicates diabetes down to 5.8 which is at the very lowest range for "risk" for diabetes.  So that is a significant drop.  My total cholesterol dropped from 247 down to 177.  How's that?  :)  The HDL went from 166 down to 108.  That is still slightly elevated.  The low normal range is under 100.  and my weight went from 170 to 153.1.  Dr. Zugec checked carefully to make sure she had my test results.  She was impressed and asked me who was supporting me in this effort.  I told her that I did all the cooking which made it easier.  I am fortunate that Dave will and does like and eat everything I make and is happy to be along for the ride :)   I also told her about my little blog which helps keep me honest since I don't like to have to report naughty behavior.  Even if it is only to like... three people :)  Anyway... yay!  It was a fabulous end to "phase one".  So that means I get to not take medication for diabetes and I get to come back in three month for a retest to make sure I maintain these results.  Now the challenge begins!  I knew I could control my blood sugar with diet only... I had the same results about 18 months ago but then I went right back to my old tricks and ended up puffy, fat with toxic blood chemistry.  Right now I feel like I'm on a roll!  I've worked too hard and hidden away all my fat jeans to stop now.  About a month ago I bought a couple pair of shorts since I had shrunken out of my last years shorts.  One was a size 8 (last year I wore a size 12) and the other was a size 6.  I was being optimistic  :)  Well now I can pull the size 8 down without unbuttoning them and the size 6 fits just about right.  Yippy!  Of course my rear end never was my problem area  but my waist line is shrinking too.  Also I can now just detect a collar bone :)  So... who'se with me?  If I can do it anyone can!  Really!  Now on to phase two... where I will hopefully reach my goal weight of 140 by Nov... let's call it 10th.  That's just about three months from now when I have to retest.  I don't know if that is realistic.  That's uncharted waters - but I'm going to give it a shot!  We are planning a tropical vacation to celebrate my sister in law Lorie's 50th birthday this coming January.  A new swim suit is in my future!

Speaking of eating like someone who is getting ready to buy a new swim's a question... What do you do when there is just too much cauliflower in the garden?  Eat it of course.  Last night I made more cauliflower soup and I really didn't like the way it turned out... but Tank and Lucy did :)  One of my favorite ways to eat a bunch of cauliflower or broccoli is like this:

Steamed with sundried tomatoes and then sprinkled with goat cheese and pine nuts.  No butter needed.  Why add extra calories?  The trick I found though is to have a little snack later because there really is not a lot of calories in that bowl... as near as I can figure it's a lunch of... 202 calories.  That's a lot for a bowl of cauliflower but not a lot for lunch.  That's for about three cups of cauliflower.  Bet you never thought you'd eat 3 cups of cauliflower at a sitting.  Me either... but what else am I supposed to do with it.  Last year I froze some but I really didn't like the way it turned out so this year it's either eat it or feed it to the cows  :)

I am thinking more about exercising too.  Of course I still do my walking.  I have two labs to wear out.  But I am just starting to run for small bits of the way.  I HATE running so I'm not pushing myself very hard but I have found over the last week that I can run for a little longer each time.  Who knows... perhaps by the end of summer I can run all the way down to the mailbox and back.  Any of you who do run would laugh your tails off at that since it is nothing but would be a nice little accomplishment for me.  I am babying my knees a little though.  When I was weighing in at 170 they were starting to bother me.  They are breathing a little easier now but I don't want to blow them out.  Also you will be happy to know that I did replace the batteries in my Wii controllers and balance board and used it again last night... and again... no snacking.  What a concept!

Ok... time for my walk before work.   And... it's FRIDAY!!!!!!!!  Just saying Friday puts a smile on my face. Have a great weekend everyone!



  1. Awesome Kathy! And, I can finally run for 5 minutes at a time :) Runners would make fun of that too - but when I first started, 60 seconds almost killed me! I wish I had half your culinary creativity and fresh veggies!


  2. Five minutes would be like a marathon for me :) Good on you Shelly!

  3. Very cool! You are truly an inspiration for me. What is A1C? I still think you should be working on a cookbook as you go. Love the pics!

  4. Thanks Carol! To find out about A1C type in this url:

    The dummy definition (which is what I need) is that it measures your "blood sugar" levels over a prolonged period of time. So you can't cheat :) You can't just cut out sugar/carbs and do a bunch of exercises the week before your doc apt. Well... you can but they will still know how you behaved based on that test. :)
