Actually I guess I should have titled this one... Fat is Me. I'm on a run away freight train... I'm pretty sure it's hauling lard! :) This is not funny! Anyway I might as well just get this over with... fatometer: 155.6. Gulp! That's up about 7 pounds from "the good ole days" or about two weeks ago! And glucose was 117 which is much lower than I expected! I actually intended to eat well yesterday and I started out that way but unfortunately the noodles that were left over from the night before called my name and so I ate them with butter and parmesan cheese. All of them! Also, our neighbor called and told us to come and get the apples from his tree since he was not going to use them. Dave came back with a tractor bucket of them. I selected six very nice apples and made a pie out of them. How stupid was that!?! And Michele who has paused here on her way back to Everett has made two very tasty batches of salsa. What else do you do with salsa other than put it on chips??? Really! Somebody help me out with some salsa ideas! And what am I supposed to do with a tractor bucket of apples that will not cause blood sugar spikes? All I can think of is... pie! Nice warm apple pie. Of course this fatness did not happen over night. I've been on a big fat binge. Just call me Bingy :) It sure comes back faster than it goes away though. If there's anyone out there who can relate to my despair I could really use some encouragment! Post a comment. Give me your best low sugar apple recipe :)
Oh... I really should mention how much I enjoyed our little mini trip to Seattle last weekend (which was part of the problem) I took lots of cool pics from the roof of our hotel and down at the pike place market... and then my SD card went haywire and I lost all the pics. Bummer! But check this out... Here's my favorite thing I bought...
Matching aprons. One big one for Mumsey and one little one for Aubrey and Charlotte when they come to visit. Were gonna make diet food :)
Hi Kathy,
ReplyDeleteI'm procrastinating on chores, so am 'surfing' around to see what's out there. Carol told me you had a cool food blog, maybe I can check it out more than just once in a great while!
Hey, here's an idea for what to do with those apples... just don't use sugar at all. I cook up apples and pears and make "papple sauce". Its yummy on pancakes and waffles, and good in muffins and such too. I'm sugar and dairy free (at least 99% of the time) so I have other ideas if you are interested... We could also take a short drive and leave my dogs at home to take 'power walks"! -Jean
make some canned apple pie filling and give it away for gifts. then the temptation will be gone :)