Friday, April 8, 2011

22 Degrees - REALLY?!!!

It's so cold out there the calves are huddled up to the big pile of poop and straw!  I don't even want to go out and feed them.  This is stupid!  Oh well... it also means the sky is clear as a bell and we should see a high of 53 today.  Yay!!!  Perfect weather for another round of roto-tilling.  My little spinach and lettuce seeds Dave has been hovering over down in his man cave have sprouted are now reaching for the light so I want to have the garden ready soon!  Now if only the darn belt will stay on that machine!  He wants to buy a tiller attachment for the tractor.  For my small garden that would be like... two passes and done.

So this morning the fatometer read 155.9.  Creeeeeping downwards ever so slowly.  I'll be excited when I get back down to the fatness I was when I came back from the cruise!  :)  Glucose was 80.  A good sign.  Means I'm doing something right and if I keep it up then zipping my pants is in my foreseeable future.  Awesome!

A couple of entertaining events occurred in the barnyard yesterday.  First... I'm still supplementing Daffy with two bottles a day.  When I fed her yesterday evening Tank who always has to be right in the middle of everything, stood right there and licked her face the whole time she was drinking the bottle so he could have the milk foam she was dribbling out.  It was so funny to watch I just couldn't stop him.  I do hope he's smart enough not to try that when she's nursing off mama!  Ginger will not think it's funny at all and will kick Tank's dogie butt to the moon.

The second was the chickens.  I mentioned a couple of posts ago that our little mama hen was sitting right?  Well she is seldom off the nest now.  About a week ago she was feeding in the chicken yard and I happened to be out there.  I took a peek to see how many eggs she was sitting on and noticed there were six.  I had helped by placing two eggs from the other hens under her myself.  Then yesterday I noticed once again that she was off the nest feeding so I checked back again and there were probably a dozen eggs!  I couldn't figure that out!  I didn't know they kept on laying eggs!  How ever would they all hatch at the same time?   Well... later in the evening when I went back in to check for eggs that the other hens might have laid I glanced over toward her...

I had to do a double take.  Up until today I've only seen our little blonde hen sitting and now it appears we have two "sitters".  The hen on the right is her little chick from last year.  Out of the five eggs she hatched last summer four of them were roosters and just the one little hen.  Mother and daughter sharing the nest.  How cute!  I'm not sure what this means since the newer eggs were laid more recently.  As you can tell I'm not a chicken expert!  We'll see what happens.  One thing I do know is that we need a better hen house.  That's also on Dave's project list for this year.

Well... that's all folks!  Have a great weekend!

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