Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Jack's Back!

Of course when I say Jack I am referring to my awesome husband Dave.  Why do I call him Jack?  Well, a few reasons come to mind.  First of all, he really is a Jack of all trades.  And then he reminds me of a jumping Jack because he's never still for long.  My bff Brenda must be shaking her head and thinking, riiiiight!  Her pet name for him, and the heading on his contact in her phone is Jackass!  Well... that's a different story and we won't go there - although it did just make me smile.  Memories :)  Of course I have to confess that my name in her phone is Lame Ass.  Apparently we are the Ass family.  :)  Ok!  Moving on :)  Anyway... for the last few months Dave's been a very sad Jack since he's been out of commission for months now.  But like I said... he's back!  He finally got clearance from the tower to begin putting a bit of weight on his foot.  Now I probably won't see him again until winter.  Of course he didn't do just nothing while he was down.  He planned and schemed and even started my garden shed.  He didn't get too far crawling around on his hands and knees.  Still it was an impressive effort... remember, hands and knees.

Yes... he's pretty resourceful.  Somehow he talked our neighbor Denny into letting him plant his large field just on the other side of our driveway with oats.  Just for fun.  Then he talked our neighbor Ed (he's a REAL farmer!) into providing him with a seeder full of oats.  Dave drove his tractor up and over the hill through a couple of neighbors places to get to Ed and Donna's farm where the seeder was.  I'm not really sure how that worked.  I was upstairs working while this all happened yesterday.  And poor Ed had to take time out from "real" farming to come show Jack how to hook up the seeder... and you should have seen the look on Jack's face!  He was having more fun than any injured man should.  He still has the cast on for another two weeks.  I'm sure I'll be amazed at all he accomplishes by the time the cast comes off and he can really get back to work!  Anyway... here is is "sowing his oats".  You can see our little house and barn in the back ground.

If you want go check out the tiny video:

He finished up that task and moved back to the shed...

I'm not sure what he's doing now.  I don't hear any power tools running.  Wonder what he's going to do tomorrow... :)

Well... on Monday we got Carol and Granny to come over and help us round up our little man, Chuck so he could join the boys choir.  :(  Such a sad business!  He was very brave about it though.  It's a great thing to have such wonderful neighbors.  Dave was still on crutches and I'm just useless when it comes to tackling cows and such.  :)  But he's much happier today.  Perhaps a little sore.  Here are the kids coming to see what's for dinner ... Daffy in the back, Chuck up front.

Such cute babies.  Daffy knows when it's bottle time.  She comes running.  Check her out...  and good ole Tank is all in there :)

Ok I'll quit pestering you with my silly little videos.  Hmm... not sure why but I'm getting super hungry.  Think I'll go grill some rib steaks!  :)


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