Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Oh! The Horror!

In so many ways!  First... the fatometer read 151.7 this morning (Monday morning).  That's horrible.  I deserve it but it's horrible!   I think my blood glucose was 108.  But I don't even know for sure.  The weekend was so busy that I don't even remember when I took it last.  It will be days before I take it again too.  I'm in Woodinville now and went off and left the darn monitor on the kitchen counter.  So... I took my boys to Aligator Soul for appetizers last night.  Yum!  :(  Deep fried fish, hush puppies, gator and chicken.  I also got a cup of onion soup which was fabulous.  I'm glad I have no glucose monitor!  Oh the horror! 

The other horrible (but comical) event from this weekend was that little Aubrey dropped Nicole's (her mommy) drivers license between the cracks of the deck.  After failing at the coat hanger/gum trick she was forced to put on my old overalls and crawl under the deck to get it.  Here are a few pics from her adventure...
This is getting ready to go under  She did not laugh for long :)
They had to tear apart the stone wall to get in.

I was kind enough not to mention the bull snake that Dave thinks might live under the deck until she came out.  She did not encounter the snake.  If she had it would not have hurt her however she may have had a heart attack from fright which would have been horrible as the perimedics would have had a heck of a time getting her out from under the deck.  :)

We did have some fun though... other than watching Nicole crawl under the deck... finally some of the corn has begun to ripen.  Aubrey liked it!

So Did Mumsey... but we won't show the three corn cobs on her plate. (oh the horror!)
Aubrey also enjoyed checking to see how big the pumpkins were getting.

And seeing the sunflowers with Grandpa Dave

All in all it was a great weekend! 

I'm looking forward to being home again.  Meanwhile... I went to the store and bought way too much salad stuff to eat - I think subconciously as punishment for the three corn cobs and the fried food.  Oh the horror!


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