Friday, May 28, 2010

Down Home

Well first... I'm back!  Yay!  I always love the last stretch of highway that drops down into our beautiful valley.  Its stunning and makes me think each time how very blessed I am.  I love turning into our driveway and meandering down the lane... saying hi to the horses and mules next door and the curly headed bull and then crossing on to our property and seeing the young fruit trees we planted last year. Crossing the creek and looking for Tank and Lucy to launch themselves off the porch and run out and greet me.  As I turned into the driveway this time I saw a beautiful ring neck pheasant and I wondered if it could possibly be one of the ones we raised and released.  Did any survive Tank's playful attention?  This weekend I am super excited because I brought my little granddaughter Aubrey home with me.  She is just delightful!  Well... see for yourself  :)  Yes her eyes really are that blue!

Anyway... the stats... 163.2 lbs and glucose 97.  Now that's what I'm talking about.  Came home three lbs lighter and check out my blood sugar!  I think I'm crowing just a little bit :)

Now to the down home part.  If I could instantly beam myself to any spot on the entire planet (other than my little spot in Chewelah) it would be to my parents home in  Dover TN  where at this very minute I know there are frantic preparations being made for the greatest event on earth... the annual Quinn family BBQ  aka... "the hog killin".  Now if you are a vegetarian you probably want to just stop now :)  You will not enjoy hearing about how the whole hog is slow cooked over a fire... all day and all night tended  with love and care by the best pit masters on earth.  Everyone who can make it home comes to this event.  
It's the celebration of a very special family that I am proud to have been born into.  I'm very excited that my daughter Michele will be attending since she moved to Kentucky in January.  Next year I will be there! 

Everyone arrives on Saturday.  (Ok... everyone but Robin who never comes until Sunday... she has promised everyone a pedicure this year.)  There are kids playing all over the place.  Everyone visiting.  Pa is usually riding around on his tractor and sometimes offers rides.  
Chicken and hot dogs lined up around the hog, bowls of snacks, tubs of cold drinks.  Pa and Granny will make many trips up and down the hill in the gator
 to keep the supplies flowing but most importantly of all... the pig must be tended!

All night long!  Usually the youngsters help keep the pit masters awake and then of course they have to decide who get's the pigs tail (insert legend of Adam and the pigs tail here).   The special BBQ sauce is provided by Jeff Quin who I believe keeps one copy in his wallet and another in one of his gun safes.  I imagine there is a note next to the recipe saying something like... here is the recipe, here is the gun... you can't have one without the other.

Early the next morning the meat will be pulled off the hog and prepared for the Sunday lunch that will be served after service at the church.  Yummy!  Everyone brings dishes to share.  Best meal of the year!   Yep... if I could be anywhere on the planet it would be down home.  




1 comment:

  1. I think Jeff quin won't be here this year. I think that's what granny said. I may go tonight or early tomorrow. I can't wait to get my toes done. Haha
