Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Parents are Coming, the Parents are Coming!

First... 154.7 and 108.  Slow recovery from the birthday binge.  Would help if I would quit sitting down with a bag of pistachios!

My dad (from Tennessee) decided to surprise me by coming to visit.  But... he sent an email to his entire email address book telling them to hold the emails for a couple of weeks.  What?  Am I not supposed to figure that out?  :)  He made that decision Monday evening and my poor mother had all night and the next morning to prepare before the wagon left town for the long journey across country.  If they follow the usual time table they should be here tomorrow sometime.  It typically takes about 42 or so hours start to finish.  We shall see though.  My dad is 75?  Or maybe 76.  Perhaps he will slow down a little... probably not though :)  All that to say... what am I doing on the computer?  I have a house to clean!  Well... at least I can cook "normal" for them... they are both diabetic and should enjoy all my garden produce.  My dad likes to cook too... or... tell my mom what to cook :)  Perhaps I'll send him out to the garden and make him come up with dishes based on what's out there.  I also think I'll go down and make my dad a Wii character to give him something to do.  He might enjoy one of the games.  First though... I think I'll play for a little while too on Wii Fitness.  I haven't played for awhile since it is so nice outside.  Very hopefully my fat Wii character will have shrunken a little :)

Hmm... I better go rinse the dye out of my hair before it all breaks off!


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