Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Fall From Power

Well, that was fun!  I certainly enjoyed the glimpse into long ago and far away.  It's difficult to remember when I was a princess and reigned the world.  What happened?  Well when you have 4 children in 6 years there is not nearly as much time to sit in front of the mirror and consider whether your eyes or lips are your best facial feature.  You become Cinderella rather than the princess.  It's really a cruel twist :)  Nothing in all my years of princess training prepared me for it - certainly not 6 years of ballet lessons.  Still, oh so worth it.  You are still the center of some very special little peoples universe... you just have to do all the work.  My children would tell you however, that I gave birth to them all just because I wanted slaves.  If only they had learned how to clean the house... :)  Fast forward 25 years and now the queen mum is chubby but happy in her own little paradise built by a loving husband who is the king of everything.  Really he is more like a court jester :)  And now I am beginning to enjoy watching my babies raise babies of their own.  Ha ha!  :)  I have no idea where this is going... I think I have left the hair dye in too long and the fumes are affecting my brain. But again... so worth it... when I am done I will look about 3 days younger.  :)

So... 157.3 and glucose 99.  I have bounced around this past week beating 157 to death but over all I have made some progress - about 12 pounds in what... 6 weeks.  I just took a break to wash that hair dye out and upon fixing my hair and getting dressed in my skinniest jeans... (sure I had to jump up and down a little to button up those size 8 jeans) and a pretty green shirt that perfectly matches my pendant (yes... I still like jewels) I was briefly very satisfied with my appearance.  I say briefly because as I stood in front of the mirror turning from side to side - a skill I perfected long ago and far away, admiring my thinner form I remembered that I was at some point going to have to breathe.  (Insert huge sigh here)  Now that I have cleaned up the shattered mirror I am going to take a trip to visit Beto in Zumbaville.  If I am a very good girl and keep my hands out of the cashew jar I just might be able to report 156. something tomorrow.  

Happy Wednesday and Ciao!

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