Monday, June 28, 2010

The People of Walmart...

You've seen them!  Seems like I get a new updated list of the tackiest people in the world about once a month in my email in box.  I'm getting to where I don't even open them any more.  Up until we moved to Chewbaccaville I would not even step foot in Walmart.  Yuk!  Why would you go to Walmart when you could go to Nordstrom for clothing or Central Market for food???  Things have a way of changing.  Now a trip to Walmart is the big event of the week - and if we go to Big R too we know we have really been to town.  I had planned to go to Walmart on Saturday with little Aubrey but we got about 5 miles down the road and I realized that I just did not have the energy to chase a little not quite two year old around the store so after dropping her off I went in to do some quick shopping.  Here's where I must confess... although I don't open the emails anymore... I do play I spy in the store.  I always find one candidate who could be the Walmart poster child for the day.  I know... I'm really a very bad person!  :)  Anyway... I was finishing up in the food section and remembered I needed some tooth paste so I headed across the store to find that.  I was just passing the ladies clothing department when bam!  There she was!  No make up... hair sticking out at strange angles from tacky clips.  Shirt and shorts that looked horrible together and legs the color that ought to have made God ashamed that he created people that color!  You can imagine my mortification to discover that I had caught my reflection in one of those full length mirrors!  Oh man!  I looked around to see if anyone was watching :) then decided to just leave... did not even get the toothpaste.  I just wanted to get out of there.  I headed for the shortest line possible and checked the next mirror to see if I still had all my teeth.  I finally got all my stuff loaded onto the check out conveyor belt and ran my bank card through the machine.  As I waited for the scan pad to produce the screen for me to sign the cashier looked up and said, I'm sorry ma'am but your card was declined!    What!!!!  How embarrassing!  I wrote a check (why would they let you write a check after having a declined card?) and left the store completely humiliated!  Of course I called the bank and discovered that they put a stop on the card because of some unusual transactions in FLORIDA!  Dave!  Well one can only live with so much ugly for one day so I went home and mowed and planted flowers so my yard would be all pretty... I really wanted to get that whole Walmart experience out of my head.  Here's what I planted.

I guess there is no hope... I'm a confirmed Walmart shopper...

Well... after all that I guess I better go ahead and report the stats which are 157.6 and glucose 103 so I'm back on track.  Have a great Monday!


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