Monday, June 21, 2010

Major Failure!

This is what I feel like today!  Like a dead tomato plant!  This morning 161.5 and glucose 115.  That's not an accident by the way.  :(  Back to that later...

We had a great weekend with the kids.  Amberlyn, Adam and Daniel, Nicole and little Aubrey spent the weekend with us.  I cooked stuff all weekend long... and most of it was healthy.  Except for the crepes I made for Dave specifically for Father's Day.  I hate making crepes!  It's so hard for me to turn them for some reason and seems like it's two hours standing over the stove when you are feeding lots of people but Dave just loves them.  I did come up with a tasty topping though.  I made a cream cheese fruit butter.  I just simmered some frozen mixed fruit in a pan with sugar and let it reduce down and then mixed that with softened cream cheese and a stick of butter and enough powdered sugar to make it spreadable.  I should call it Barney Butter because it turned out just about the same purple shade of Barney the dinosaur.  But the kids loved it.  I had one crepe with a little Barney Butter on it.  Yum.  Really though I was pretty darn good the entire weekend until... (back to MAJOR FAILURE) Sunday evening came along and then invasion of the body snatchers took over and I ate and ate and ate and ate.  Every kind of nut I could get my hands on, most of the sugar free candy in the cupboard (NOT low cal by the way) and I even ended up making a small plate of nachos!  And of course this was all after Dave had gone to bed so I didn't even have him to give me the look that says... gee I would say what the heck are you doing but I know I'll get my head bitten off so I'll just look at you from across the room and you will know!   The only way I could have made it worse would be to have opened a bottle of wine and drank the whole thing.  I am happy to say I did not do that.  :)  It's seriously good that one major failure does not take you back to square one.  Today I will redeem myself and not be a big fat pig.  I am still encouraged because yesterday Dave gave me a hug and noticed how my waistline was slimming down.  :)  And... even my poor dead tomato plants are making a recovery.  I cut off all the dead stuff a couple of weeks ago and they are leafing out nice and green.  Of course if it does not quit raining they will rot away.  Grrrrrrrr!  Enough is enough!

Well!  Before the binge began I did make some mighty tasty salmon.  I guess we can call it Honey Mustard Salmon.  I mixed up some mustard, honey, fresh lime juice, butter, S&P and then chopped up some fresh dill out of my garden and slathered that all over and baked it.  That was a success.  I have a piece left that I'm going to make like tuna salad... only better :)

I have about two weeks until my first Silverwood (amusement and water park) trip.  I'm so tired of the beached whale look so I'll keep that in my head next time the Lard A$$ goblins come knocking.

Have a great week everyone!  Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. Great post cousin! Russ and I got to watch our grandson Ayden take his first steps on Father's day. So exciting! He is so petite and cute! Will post some pictures soon!
