Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday Morning

Here we are again, Monday!  We had such beautiful weather this weekend (and the sun is still shining that) forgot to get all depressed about Monday!  I enjoyed my guests, Amberlyn brought her friend Jamie and daughter Elliena who was highly entertaining.  My best friend's daughter Maggie and her boyfriend Anthony came over too and stayed the weekend.  And I didn't alter my cooking too much for them so I didn't eat horribly.  Yay!  I mentioned that FatSecret website... it's quite interesting.  It really does take a lot of work to write down everything I eat - which makes me think twice about eating it... oh dang, I don't want to have to enter that... not worth it.  It is sort of cool though.  If it's a packaged product like the yogurt I am eating right now I can just scan the barcode and it will bring it up and I just have to enter the portion size and it calculates the calories.  Then I have to add the granola and blueberries so it's kind of tedious.  Oh..the barcode scanner.... I have a Droid phone and it has a FatSecret app and a barcode scanner that syncs up with my computer.  Never thought I would have a use for the barcode scanner :)  Who knew?  Anyway I am learning more about portion size and calories.  I really never have counted calories too closely.  I probably won't do it for too long I'll just kind of become familiar with the foods I typically eat so I'll have a better idea of how many calories I am stuffing in.  :)

This morning 160.8 not a new low but still better than 170 :)  and glucose 85.  Now that is a new low.  Sweet.  I must be doing something right.  Like not eating a smore yesterday :)

My goal for this... week :)  will be to take the Zoomba DVD's from the box and learn how to work the DVD player.  Wish me luck with that!


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